Books by Genre



15 thoughts on “Books by Genre

  1. Some Memoirs to suggest:
    Wild by cheryl strayed
    Perfection by Julie metz
    The glass castle by Jeannette walls

    Interested to hear what you think of the paying guests- I read it with high expectations and was undecided about whether it lived up to them or not.

    ALSO OMG The Night Circus is fabuloussss. X


    1. I’ve heard some great things about those! I’ve read the glass castle and I thought it was pretty disturbing… I didn’t love the paying guests- I was frustrated by all of the characters!


  2. If you enjoy the occasional mystery. Might I suggest A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton? I enjoyed her book and definitely plan to continue with the series. As for Fantasy, I’d highly recommend The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. (The Wheel of Time Series) It’s long but well done.


    1. Thank you for the suggestions! I’ve heard of Sue Grafton’s series but I haven’t picked up one of her books yet! I haven’t heard of The Eye of the World, but I’ll be sure to check it out as well!


  3. Great list you have and I’m already intrigued by a bunch of these books, just with their titles alone! I’ll be adding more titles to my never-ending to-read list it seems.


  4. So organized! I just switched my blog over to a book review blog so it’s a bit of a mess right now. Yours is a great inspiration. I love your tag line about your friends not starting a book club. I feel the same way! I’ve always been the reader among friends as well. It was my outlet as an only child in a small town. Great blog! I look forward to perusing through your reviews 🙂 .


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